Research Awards
Management Group considered 'small grant' bids submitted by NIBS colleagues as part of a regular funding round and out-of-cycle bids for time sensitive researach. Applicants were asked to provide a rationale for a bid to be considered 'out of cycle' and, if Management Group did not agree with the reasoning, a decision on the bid was deferred until the next regular funding round.
Bids were reviewed by the NIBS Management Group who placed weight on:
- the scientific rationale for the proposed work in the context of the Network objectives
- its potential to deliver significant outputs consistent with Network research objectives
- affordability/value for money
- bids with potential to foster Network objectives of cross-institution and cross-disciplinary research
- bids that have potential to create impact
- ensuring that, where PhD or Post Doc input is requested, their overall work profiles within the Network are suitably career enhancing.
Bids had to include at least one NIBS Co-Investigator or Post Doc as a named collaborator but beyond this, there were no restrictions regarding who could bid.
Recongising the diversity of projects, NIBS did not have a set application form however it asked that bids should include the following information.
- Outline of proposed research
- Explain how the proposed research will contribute to the objectives of the Network
- Resources requested (and details of other funding supporting the research)
- The name of a lead researcher who will manage the award and be a key point of contact
- For bids requesting input of junior researchers, please explain their role (and whether, for instance, there will be opportunities for career enhancement). Please specify requested researcher time as a percentage of their time across a specified number of weeks.
- Schedule for conduct of the research. We expect that most bids funded will report back at September NIBS meetings.
We would like to remind researchers that all NIBS-funded output should cite NIBS by name and grant number [ES/P008976/1], following recommended guidelines.
The ‘guide for successful bidders' (revised Dec 2018) explains the process for claiming funds awarded as part of NIBS2 - this is different from the system operated under NIBS1.
Successful Bids
- Choice Overload and Stochastic Dominance
- Survey of Attention and Financial Behaviour
- Explaining the Attraction Effect using Query Theory
- The Description-Experience Gap in Cooperation
- Time Allocation and Bracketing Behaviours
- To hide or not to hide? How fear and futility affect the decision to report a mistake
- The determinants of consumer engagement: a price prediction approach
- Sequential gambles with reinvestment
- Preference reversals for losses and inter-temporal choices
- Are You Being Skewed Over?
- Investigating the influence of facemask wearing on trust and trustworthiness (phase one)
- Experiment 3: Nudging Self-Reports of Medicines Adherence
- Tests of cross-modal discounting with divisible rewards- experiment one
- Information presentation and advice in decisions over risky assets
- Delegation Preferences: Computers vs Humans
- Avoidable mistakes: to hide or not to hide?
- Time, Psychology of Scarcity & Bracketing
- Routes II Experiment
- The role of deception in stimulating negative evaluations of win-win corporate sustainability initiatives
- A Replication Experiment
- How does lottery format affect risk attitudes? *and a follow up project with 2 additional treatments
- Associative Thinking *and a follow up study
- The Mere Urgency Effect: an artefact of experimental design? *and a follow up project for continuation of the series of replication studies
- Testing Preference Reversals in Risky Choice with Multiple Value Elicitation Methods & follow up
- A Battle of Ideas: Resisting Persuasion to Avoid Defeat
- Effect of Composite Dimensions in Multi-Attibute Health Choices
- How to measure risk preferences: Towards bridging the disparate measurement traditions of revealed and stated preferences
- The reason structure of context effects
- The determinants of consumer engagement
- Evasive Communication *and a follow up - Evasive Communication: The Role of Reputation
- Lab Experimental Approaches to Measuring Individual Creativity (part funded)
- Mechanisms Behind Nudging Adherence: A Randomised Controlled Trial *and a follow Nudging Self-Reports of Adherence: Replication & Intentions Follow-Up
- Tainted Nudge
- Investigating the Influence of Behavioural Factors on Consumers
- Selling Winners or Losers
- The Red, The Black, and The Plastic
You can also view the list of projects funded under our NIBS 1 grant period.
Much of this research has resulted in working papers and publications. These can be found in the relevant section on our website.