Research Awards from 30 Dec 2012 to 30 Sept 2017
From December 2012 to September 2017 we operated a highly successful scheme to enable NIBS-funded colleagues and close collaborators to bid for funding to support projects relevant to the NIBS case for support. All bids were assessed by the Management Group and information about the bidding criteria and supplementary notes is still available.
Any outputs (such as publications, working papers and presentations) which benefitted from this funding will cite NIBS either by name or grant number (ES/K002201/1) and will be listed on our RCUK Gateway page. You can also find a selected list of research outputs on our website.
Below is a list of all the projects which received funding under this scheme.
Out of cycle bids funded during 2016 & 2017 with NIBS1 funding
- Intuitive vs. Reflective Processes in Public Good Maintenance and Provision
- An experiment on the effect of laws on social norms
- Team effort, targets and incentives
- Punishment Preferences
- Leadership in Teams
- Effect of composite dimensions in multi-attribute health choices
- An experimental study of the effect of degree of riskiness on individual risk preferences
- Exchange of Goods (lemonade and crisps)
- Comparative of online experiments versus lab experiments
- Emotional Contagion in Teams
- Risk assessment in police custody
- Underpinnings of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Adherence
- Risk preferences: A horse race between different elicitation methods
- Violent conflict and political inclusion: The value of political rights among victims and non-victims of conflict in Colombia
- Identity in Elections, and Media optimism/pessimism & equilibrium selection (2 projects)
- Promoting SAVing behaviour with habIts aNd Goal-Setting (SAVINGS)
- Understanding Communication Situations with Partially Verifiable Message
- Prospective University Students' Use of Information
- Gender Differences in Center Preferences
- Social Connectedness and Risk Taking
- Racing Towards a Finishing Line: Theory and Experiment
- Expropriation of free-riders and outsiders
- Understanding Communication Situations with Partially Verifiable Messages: Further Treatments
- Description-Experience Gap in Cooperation
- Status and Trust in Representative Leaders: A Lab-in-the-field Experiment
These bids were funded in May 2016
- Do emergent conventions influence social norms?
- Hiring and Firing: How Do Managers Steer Teams Towards Efficiency?
- Application of habit theory to medication adherence
These bids were funded in January 2016
- Exploring Children's In-Group Biases in Corporate Games
- The Effects of Experiential vs Descriptive Information on Children's Decision Making Under Risk
- Habit Formation for Medication Adherence
- A behavioural analysis of political de-radicalisation in Columbia
- Textual Predictors of Collective Action
These bids were funded in September 2015
- Probability of behavioural types in public goods games: The case of strategic complements and substitutes
- The role of similarity perceptions in the emergence of conventions
- Inequality and the effect of competition on the free riding within a team
- Understanding the effects of time pressure in bargaining situations: experimental evidence
- Leadership and team incentives
- Further extending the investigation of different models of strategic thinking
- Understanding communication situations with partially verifiable messages
- Not all groups are created equal: asymmetric group-contests
- Injunctive and descriptive norms of honesty across societies
- A test of the spillover between two group influences (that have been used as ‘nudges’)
Out of cycle bids funded during 2015:
- “Not my business”: an experimental test of strategic ignorance in bargaining games
- Risk Reward in the real world and the origin of risk aversion
These bids were funded in May 2015:
- Assessing choice overload in a complex environment (as a prelude to investigation of nudge resistance and reliance)
These bids were funded in January 2015:
- Choice overload in filtered choice-sets
- Modelling Decision Processes and Preference Formation in Health
- Modelling Decision Processes and Preference Formation
These bids were funded in September 2014:
- Framing Effects and Productivity: Loss Aversion or Reciprocity?
- Learning and Coordination in an Online Social Network Experiment
- Lapses of Self Control and Inconsistent Planning
- Team Membership and Reasoning in Young Children’s Cooperation
- Social Acceptability as a Moderator of Discrimination
These bids were funded in May/June 2014:
- Further investigations of cross-modal discounting
- Differing incentive structures in public goods games
- Team membership and reasoning in young children’s co-operation
- How we play games: individual differences predicting choices in public goods games and prisoner’s dilemma games
- Understanding coalition formation processes: experimental evidence
- Naturalistic multi-attribute choice
- Social Relations and Economic Behaviour: A Field Study with the Swiss Army Investigating the Role of Other-Regarding Preferences and Strategic Reasoning
The Group agreed to fund these bids in the September 2013 bid round:
- Rethinking the foundations of welfare economics
- Social norms and relative rank in public goods games
- Investigating cross-modal discounting
- Inequality and social mobility
- an untitled bid around risky choice
- Extending the investigation of different models of strategic thinking
The Group agreed to fund the following bids in the May 2013 bid round:
- Pensions and Credit Cards
- Tax Compliance (with encouragement to explore links with Psychology)
- Validating Measures of Imprecision
- Eye Tracking (with a possible link to Computer Science)
- Understanding Cooperative Bargaining Situations
- Similarity Perceptions