Title or Description | Author or Lead Investigator | Date |
Preferences and Perceptions in Provision and Maintenance Public Goods - Games and Economic Behavior |
Simon Gaechter, Felix Koelle and Simone Quercia |
Sept 2022 |
Social closeness can help, harm and be irrelevant in solving pure coordination problems - Economic Letters |
Simon Gaechter, Chris Starmer, Christian Thoeni, Fabio Tufano and Till Weber |
July 2022 |
Preferences and Perceptions in Provision and Maintenance Public Goods - CeDEx Working Paper 2022-09 |
Simon Gächter, Felix Kölle and Simone Quercia |
April 2022 |
The Variability of Conditional Cooperation in Sequential Prisoner’s Dilemmas - CeDEx Working Paper 2022-10 |
Simon Gächter, Kyeongtae Lee, and Martin Sefton |
March 2022 |
Revisiting the diagnosis of intertemporal preference reversals - Journal of Risk and Uncertainty |
Zhihua Li & Graham Loomes |
March 2022 |
Income inequality and social status: The social rank and material rank hypotheses. In Jetten, J., & Peters, K. (Eds.), The social psychology of inequality (pp. 235 -248). New York: Springer (pre print). |
L Walasek and GDA Brown |
Dec 2019 |
Conforming with peers in honesty and cooperation - Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization |
Ozan Isler and Simon Gächter |
March 2022 |
Social closeness can help, harm and be irrelevant in solving pure coordination problems - CeDEx Working Paper 2021-09 |
Simon Gächter, Chris Starmer, Christian Thöni, Fabio Tufano, and Till O. Weber |
December 2021 |
Social proximity and the erosion of norm compliance - Games and Economic Behavior |
Cristina Bicchieri, Eugen Dimant, Simon Gächter and Daniele Nosenzo |
Online December 2021 |
A self-funding reward mechanism for tax compliance - Journal of Economic Psychology |
Enrique Fatas, Daniele Nosenzo, Martin Sefton, Daniel J Zizzo |
October 2021 |
Deceptive Communication - CESifo Working Paper |
Despoina Alempaki, Valeria Burdea and Daniel Read |
September 2021 |
Confidence snowballing and relative performance feedback - Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization |
Zahra Murad and Chris Starmer |
August 2021 |
Investigating the failure to best respond in experimental games - Experimental Economics |
Despoina Alempaki, Andrew M. Colman, Felix Kölle, Graham Loomes & Briony D. Pulford |
July 2021 |
The Attraction and Compromise Effects in Bargaining: Experimental Evidence - Management Science |
Fabio Galeotti, Maria Montero, Anders Poulsen |
July 2021 |
Contextualised strong reciprocity explains selfless cooperation despite selfish intuitions and weak social heuristics - Scientific Reports |
Ozan Isler, Simon Gächter, A. John Maule & Chris Starmer |
July 2021 |
And the first runner-up is...: Sequential versus simultaneous winner revelation in multi-winner discriminated Tullock contests - CBESS Working Paper 2021-01 |
Subhasish M. Chowdhury, Anwesha Mukherjeey, Theodore L. Turocy |
April 2021 |
Do descriptive social norms drive peer punishment? Conditional punishment strategies and their impact on cooperation - Evolution and Human Behavior |
Xueheng Li, Lucas Molleman, and Dennie van Dolder |
April 2021 |
Lying and Social Norms: a lab-in-the-field experiment with children - CeDEx Working Paper 2021-01 |
Despoina Alempaki, Genyue Fu and Jingcheng Fu |
March 2021 |
LIONESS Lab: a free web‐based platform for conducting interactive experiments online - Journal of the Economic Science Association |
Marcus Giamattei, Kyanoush Seyed Yahosseini, Simon Gächter & Lucas Molleman |
June 2020 |
The sophistication of conditional cooperators: Evidence from public goods games - CBESS working Paper 2020-01 |
Francesco Fallucchi, R. Andrew Luccasen III and Ted L Turocy |
Online May 2020 |
That’s the ticket: Explicit lottery randomisation and learning in Tullock contests - Theory and Decision (former working paper) |
Chowdhury SM, Mukherjee A. and Turocy TL. |
Online November 2019 |
Lying in a Foreign Language - Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization |
Despoina Alempaki, Gönül Doğan, and Yang Yang |
November 2020 |
How Do Consumers Avoid Penalty Fees? Evidence From Credit Cards - Management Science |
John Gathergood, Hiroaki Sakaguchi, Neil Stewart and Joerg Weber |
Online May 2020 |
An inquiry into the nature and causes of the Description - Experience gap - CeDEx Working Paper 2019-15 |
Robin Cubitt, Orestis Kopsacheilis, Chris Starmer |
Online March 2020 |
Confidence Snowballing and Relative Performance Feedback - CeDEx Working Paper 2020-08 |
Zahra Murad and Chris Starmer |
May 2020 |
A dilution effect without dilution: When missing evidence, not non-diagnostic evidence, is judged inaccurately - Cognition |
Adam N Sanborn, Takao Noguchi, James Tripp and Neil Stewart |
Online January 2020, published March 2020 |
The Surprising Capacity of the Company You Keep: Revealing Group Cohesion as a Powerful Factor of Team Production - CeDEx Working Paper 2019-16 |
Simon Gaechter, Chris Starmer, Fabio Tufano |
December 2019 |
Income inequality and social status: The social rank and material rank hypotheses, in Jetten J & Peters K (Eds), The social psychology of inequality (pp. 235 -248). New York: Springer. |
Lukasz Walasek & Gordon Brown |
November 2019 |
Subjective well-being and valuation of future health states: Discrepancies between anticipated and experienced life satisfaction - Journal of Applied Social Psychology |
Lukasz Walasek, Gordon Brown and Gordon Ovens |
September 2019 |
Cooperation in public goods games predicts behaviour in incentive-matched binary dilemmas: Evidence for stable pro-sociality - Economic Inquiry |
Tim Mullett, Rebecca McDonald and Gordon Brown |
May 2019 |
Individual-Level Analyses of the Impact of Parasite Stress on Personality: Reduced Openness Only for Older Individuals - Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin |
Tim Mullett, Gordon Brown, CL Fincher, M Kosinski and D Stilwell |
May 2019 |
Consumption changes, not income changes, predict changes in subjective well-being - Social Psychological and Personality Science |
Gordon Brown & John Gathergood |
April 2019 |
The framing of nothing and the psychology of choice - Journal of Risk and Uncertainty |
Marc Scholten & Daniel Read & Neil Stewart |
December 2019 |
Investigating the failure to best respond in experimental games - CeDEx Paper 2019-13 |
Despoina Alempaki, Andrew Colman, Felix Koelle, Graham Loomes, Briony Pulford |
November 2019 |
People Prefer Coordinated Punishment in Cooperative Interactions in Nature Human Behaviour (full text available via share edit link). |
Lucas Molleman, Felix Koelle, Chris Starmer and Simon Gaechter |
September 2019 |
Law and Norms: Empirical Evidence - CeDEx Paper 2019-08 |
Tom Lane and Daniele Nosenzo |
September 2019 |
Investor Attention, Reference Points and the Disposition Effect - SSRN published paper |
John Gathergood, George Loewenstein, Edika Quispe-Torreblanca and Neil Stewart |
July 2019 |
Causal peer effects in police misconduct - Nature Human Behaviour (please note this paper is not open access) |
Edika G. Quispe-Torreblanca & Neil Stewart |
May 2019 |
Promoting voter registration: the effects of low-cost interventions on behaviour and norms - Behavioural Public Policy |
Felix Koelle, Tom Lane, Daniele Nosenzo, Chris Starmer |
June 2019 |
Naturalistic multiattribute choice - Cognition |
Sudeep Bhatia and Neil Stewart |
Oct 2018 |
Cooperation in Polygynous Households - American Economic Journal: Applied Economics |
Barr, A., M. Dekker, W. Janssens, B. Kebede, B. Kramer |
April 2019 |
Malleable Lies: Communication and Cooperation in a High Stakes TV Game Show - SSRN paper, forthcoming in Management Science |
Uyanga Turmunkh, Martijn J. van den Assem and Dennie van Dolder |
2017 & 2019 |
Correlation Neglect and Case-Based Decisions UEA Working Paper 2017-11 and now published in Journal of Risk and Uncertainty |
Benjamin Radoc, Robert Sugden and Theodore L. Turocy |
2017 & 2019 |
Weighing anchor on credit card debt - FCA Occasional Paper No 43 |
Benedict Guttman-Kenney, Jesse Leary and Neil Stewart |
July 2018 |
Increasing credit card payments using choice architecture: The case of anchors and prompts - FCA Occasional Papers No 42 |
Paul Adams, Benedict Guttman-Kenney, Lucy Hayes, Stefan Hunt and Neil Stewart |
July 2018 |
The semblance of success in nudging consumers to pay down credit card debt - FCA Occasional Papers No 45 |
Paul Adams, Benedict Guttman-Kenney, Lucy Hayes, Stefan Hunt, David Laibson and Neil Stewart |
July 2018 |
The effect of risk warning content for contract for difference products - SSRN Working Paper |
Timothy L. Mullett, Laura Smart & Neil Stewart |
August 2018 |
The Conflict Between Consumer Intentions, Beliefs and Actions to Pay Down Credit Card Debt - FCA Occasional Papers No 44 |
Paul Adams, Benedict Guttman-Kenney, Lucy Hayes, Stefan Hunt, David Laibson and Neil Stewart |
July 2018 |
Boundedly rational expected utility theory in Journal of Risk and Uncertainty |
Daniel Navarro-Martinez, Graham Loomes, Andrea Isoni, David Butler, and Larbi Alaoui |
Online December 2018 |
How Do Payday Loans Affect Borrowers? Evidence from the U.K. Market in The Review of Financial Studies |
John Gathergood, Benedict Guttman-Kenney and Stefan Hunt |
August 2018 |
Why Are Some Households So Poorly Insured? in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (previously published as an SSRN working paper) |
John Gathergood and Daniel Wylie |
December 2018 |
Identifying discrete behavioural types: a re-analysis of public goods game contributions by hierarchical clustering in Journal of Economic Science Association |
Francesco Fallucchi, Andrew Luccasen III, and Theodore L. Turocy |
November 2018 online |
The Role of Morals in Three-Player Ultimatum Games in Journal of Economic Psychology |
Sandro Casal, Francesco Fallucchi and Simone Quercia |
November 2018 online |
The strength of sensitivity to ambiguity in Theory and Decision |
Robin Cubitt, Gijs van de Kuilen and Sujoy Mukerji |
October 2018 |
Do consumers take advantage of common pricing standards? An experimental investigation in Management Science |
Robert Sugden and Jiwei Zheng |
March 2017 online. May 2018 print |
Democracy fights in darkness - CeDEx Seminar at the University of Nottingham |
Enrique Fatas |
24 October 2018 |
Communication with Partially Verifiable Information: An Experiment - CeDEx Working Paper 2018-07 |
Valeria Burdea, Maria Montero, and Martin Sefton |
August 2018 |
Leaders as role models and 'belief managers' in social dilemmas in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization |
Simon Gaechter and Elke Renner |
August 2018 |
Efficiency versus Equality in Bargaining in Journal of the European Economic Association |
Fabio Galeotti, Maria Montero and Anders Poulsen |
March 2018 |
The Attraction and Compromise Effects in Bargaining:Experimental Evidence, CBESS discussion paper and presented at TIBER 2018 |
Fabio Galeotti, Maria Montero and Anders Poulsen |
August 2017, August 2018 |
Not all Group Members are created Equal:Heterogeneous Abilities in Inter-group Contests, CeDEx Working Paper |
Francesco Fallucchi, Enrique Fatas, Felix Kölle, and Ori Weisel |
July 2018 |
Cross modal discounting for risk and time, presented at ESA, Berlin |
Rebecca McDonald |
June/July 2018 |
Dispositional free riders do not free ride on punishment in Nature Communications |
Till O. Weber, Ori Weisel & Simon Gächter |
June 2018 |
Putting nudges in perspective in Behavioral Public Policy |
George Loewenstein and Nick Chater |
Online May 2017 |
Collusion in Bertrand vs. Cournot Competition: A Virtual Bargaining Approach in Management Science |
Tigran Melkonyan, Hossam Zeitoun and Nick Chater |
Online November 2017 |
On the social inappropriateness of discrimination - Journal of Public Economics |
Abigail Barr, Tom Lane and Daniele Nosenzo |
June 2018 |
Commitment to Political Ideology is a Luxury Only Students Can Afford: A Distributive Justice Experiment in Journal of Experimental Political Science |
Simona Demel, Abigail Barr, Luis Miller and Paloma Ubeda |
June 2018 |
Societal background influences social learning in cooperative decision making - Evolution and Human Behavior |
Lucas Molleman and Simon Gaechter |
May 2018 |
Incentive magnitude effects in experimental games: Bigger is not necessarily better - Games 9 (1) 4 |
Briony Pulford, Andrew Colman and Graham Loomes |
January 2018 |
Time matters less when outcomes differ: Uni-modal versus cross-modal comparisons in intertemporal choice - Management Science |
Robin Cubitt, Rebecca McDonald & Daniel Read |
Published 2018 (online from 2017) |
The Community of Advantage: A Behavioural Economist's Defence of the Market - Oxford University Press |
Bob Sugden |
Published July 2018 |
Neil Stewart discussed three NIBS papers at ESRI Seminar: Behavioural Science with Mass Transaction Data, Dublin. |
Neil Stewart |
1 February 2018 |
Contagion and stability in financial networks, Wealth International Journal of Money, Banking & Finance 3:1 (2014) 4–9 |
SM Mousavi, RS MacKay, A Tucker |
2014 |
Is intuition really cooperative? Improved tests support the social heuristics hypothesis in PLOS ONE |
Ozan Isler, John Maule, Chris Starmer |
January 2018 |
0≠0: Zero effects in intertemporal choice presented at Prospect Theory as a Model of Risk Choice: Descriptive and Normative Assessments, at Center for the Economic Analysis of Risk (CEAR) |
Daniel Read |
16-17 October 2017 |
Research: Missing Product Information Doesn’t Bother Consumers as Much as It Should - Harvard Business Review Summary |
Sunita Sah, Daniel Read |
28 September 2017 |
The Value of Nothing: Asymmetric Attention to Opportunity Costs Drives Intertemporal Decision Making in Management Science |
Read, D, Olivola, CY and Hardisty, DJ |
2016 |
Cumulative weighing of time in intertemporal tradeoffs in Journal of Experimental Psychology: General |
Scholten, M, Read, D, & Sanborn, A |
2016 |
The logic of costly punishment reversed: Expropriation of free-riders and outsiders in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization |
David Hugh-Jones, Carlo Perroni |
March 2017 |
The Evil Eye: Eye Gaze and Competitiveness in Social Decision Making in European Journal of Social Psychology |
Mauro Giacomantonio, Jennifer Jordan, Francesca Federico, Martijn J. van den Assem, Dennie van Dolder |
October 2017 |
The Wisdom of the Inner Crowd in Three Large Natural Experiments in Nature Human Behaviour followed by media publicity including the University of Nottingham; Cosmos Magazine; Bloomberg; Yahoo Lifestyle; and Vrije Tijd Amsterdam. |
Dennie van Dolder & Martijn J. van den Assem |
December 2017 & January 2018 |
Attended Summer School: Meta-regression analysis in economics, Crete |
Despoina Alempaki |
June 2017 |
When in Rome: Lying in a Foreign Language - SSRN working paper. Also presented by Despoina at the 11th Nordic Conference on Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Oslo |
Despoina Alempaki, Gönül Doğan, Yang Yang |
July 2017 October 2016 |
Identifying discrete behavioural types: A re-analysis of public goods game contributions by hierarchical clustering, presented at RES PhD meeting, London |
Francesco Fallucchi |
January 2017 |
Inequality and Competitive Effort: The Roles of Asymmetric Resources, Opportunity and Outcomes, presented at LISER, Luxembourg |
Francesco Fallucchi |
February 2017 |
Hiring and Firing: How Do Managers Steer Teams Towards Efficiency?, presented at ESA Europe, Vienna |
Francesco Fallucchi |
September 2017 |
The sophistication of conditional co-operators: evidence from public-good games presented at SIEP Conference, University of Catania; and at IMT, Lucca |
Francesco Fallucchi |
September 2017, February 2017 |
Inequality and Competitive Effort: The Roles of Asymmetric Resources, Opportunity and Outcomes - LISER working paper |
Francesco Fallucchi and Abhijit Ramalingam |
July 2017 |
The role of morals in three-player ultimatum games - CBESS working paper |
Sandro Casal, Francesco Fallucchi, Simone Quercia |
2016 |
Assessing Choice Overload in a Complex Environment presented at Individual decision making and choice freedom, University of Rennes |
Joerg Weber |
March 2017 |
Consumer inattention and refinancing decisions presented at the NIBS Spring Workshop, University of Warwick |
Joerg Weber |
May 2017 |
Assessing Choice Overload in a Complex Environment presented at the CMU Workshop, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh |
Joerg Weber |
September 2017 |
SAVINGS Trial presented at the NIBS Autumn Workshop, Derby Conference Centre |
Krishane Patel |
September 2017 |
Psychological Parameters Have Units: A Bug Fix For Stochastic Prospect Theory And Other Decision Models; Multialternative Decision by Sampling; and Quantum Psychology for the Agnostic, all presented at MathPsych, Warwick |
Neil Stewart |
21-24 July 2017 |
Using Eye Movements to Understand Choice Models, keynote speaker at EGPROC, Gallway |
Neil Stewart |
22-24 June 2017 |
Naïve diversification and narrow framing among individual investors - SSRN working paper |
Gathergood, J., Leake, D., Sakaguchi, H., & Stewart, N. |
October 2017 |
How do individuals repay their debt? The balance-matching heuristic - SSRN working paper |
Stewart, N., & Weber, J. |
July 2017 |
Learning, liquidity and credit card fees - SSRN working paper |
Gathergood, J., Sakaguchi, H., Stewart, N., & Weber, J. |
May 2017 |
The red, the black, and the plastic: Paying down credit card debt for hotels not sofas - SSRN working paper |
Quispe-Torreblanca, E., Stewart, N., Gathergood, J., & Loewenstein, G. |
September 2017 |
Selling winners or losers: Two-stage decision making and the disposition effect in stock trading - SSRN working paper |
Sakaguchi, H., Stewart, N., & Walasek, L. |
October 2017 |
Crowdsourcing cognitive science in Trends in Cognitive Sciences |
Stewart, N., Chandler, J., & Paolacci, J. |
August 2017 |
Prize in Economics to Richard Thaler refers to four papers for which Robert Sugden was an author or co-author: Isoni, Loomes and Sugden, American Economic Review 2011; Sugden, Inquiry 2013; Sugden, Social Theory and Practice 2015; Infante, Lecouteux and Sugden, Journal of Economic Methodology 2016. The last two of these acknowledge NIBS |
Robert Sugden et al |
November 2017 |
The theoretical impossibility of a Paretian liberal and the empirical impossibility of behavioural welfare economics presented at ‘Reasons, Rationality, and Intentional Agency’, London School of Economics |
Robert Sugden |
30 September 2017 |
‘Theme 2 of NIBS 2’- speaker at NIBS autumn workshop and convenor of session based on this theme, Derby Conference Centre |
Robert Sugden |
8 September 2017 |
Does normative economics need a theory of rationality? presented at ‘Theories of Rationality: Descriptive and Normative Aspects’ at University of Bonn |
Robert Sugden |
2 September 2017 |
Reciprocity as mutual benefit presented at 'Models and Explanations in Economics’ at University of Rostock; and at ‘Psychological game theory’ (2017 Conference on Behavioural Game Theory), University of East Anglia |
Robert Sugden |
1 & 5 July 2017 |
Reclaiming virtue ethics for economics - Public lecture at University of Rostock |
Robert Sugden |
30 June 2017 |
When preferences and values are elusive presented at NIBS 2017 conference ‘Behavioural Science and Public Policy' at Warwick Business School |
Robert Sugden |
5 May 2017 |
Prizes, incentives and mutual benefit - plenary speaker at ‘Prizes and Virtues’ LUMSA University, Rome |
Robert Sugden |
11 April 2017 |
The Warden Attitude: An Investigation of the Value of Interaction with Everyday Wildlife in Environmental and Resource Economics |
Michael Brock, Grischa Perino, and Robert Sugden |
May 2017 |
Hosted the Head of Research from Which? and also contribution and review of Which? scoping review on consumer data. |
Anya Skatova |
February 2017 |
Value of personal data presented at NIBS Autumn Workshop (Derby) and at the conference hosted by NIBS international partners at Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh |
Anya Skatova |
September 2017 |
Guilty repair sustains cooperation, angry retaliation destroys it presented at ISSID 2017, Warsaw |
Anya Skatova |
July 2017 |
Why people are not always making good choices? And how Big Data can help to understand it presented at NIBS 2017, Warwick |
Anya Skatova |
May 2017 |
Towards a Framework to Support the Development of Peacebuilding Activities using an Object Oriented Agent-Based Modelling Approach in Social Systems Engineering: The Design of Complexity. |
Peer-Olaf Siebers, Grazziela P. Figueredo, Miwa Hirono, Anya Skatova |
2017 |
Guilty repair sustains cooperation, angry retaliation destroys it in Scientific Reports |
Anya Skatova, Alexa Spence, Caroline Leygue, Eamonn Ferguson |
2017 |
Noisy preferences in risky choice : a cautionary note in Psychological Review |
Sudeep Bhatia and Graham Loomes |
2017 |
Attitudes to uncertainty in a strategic setting in Economic Journal |
Zhihua Li, Graham Loomes and Ganna Pogrebna |
2017 |
Consistent Depth of Reasoning in Level-k Models presented at World Meeting of the Economic Science Association, University of California at San Diego |
Enrique Fatas |
June 2017 |
The Behavioural Toxicity of Power - keynote at Workshop in Game Theory and Experimental Economics, University of Capua |
Enrique Fatas |
June 2016 |
Violent Conflict and Political Inclusion at Institutions and cooperation, University of Exeter; and GATE Lyon |
Enrique Fatas |
May & October 2017 |
Social competition in low information markets - CBESS working paper |
Enrique Fatas, Antonio J Morales and Ainhoa Jaramillo-Gutiérrez |
2015 |
Preference Conformism: An Experiment (working paper) |
Enrique Fatas, Shaun Hargreaves Heap, David Rojo Arjona |
February 2017 |
Understanding Social Comparisons in Risk Taking: Preferences or Cognition? AND Information defaults in repeated public good provision, both at North American ESA Conference, Richmond, VA |
Daniel Zizzo |
20 & 21 October 2017 |
Responding to (Un)Reasonable Requests at Catholic University of Lille seminar |
Daniel Zizzo |
28 September 2017 |
The Social Comparison Puzzle of Risk Taking at NIBS Autumn Workshop, Derby |
Daniel Zizzo |
6 September 2017 |
A Triple Test for Behavioral Economics Models and Public Health Policy in Theory and Decision |
R. Nakamura, M. Suhrcke and D.J. Zizzo |
2017 |
On the Beliefs off the Path: Equilibrium Refinement due to Quantal Response and Level-k in Games and Economic Behavior |
Y. Breitmoser, J.H.W. Tan and D.J. Zizzo |
July 2014 |
‘I’ and ‘we’: spillovers between individual and social tasks presented at NIBS Autumn Workshop, Derby |
Shaun Hargreaves Heap |
September 2017 |
The 'productivity puzzle' and the problem with the ‘rich’: an experiment on competition and inequality at European Workshop on Experimental and Behavioral Economics (EWEBE) 2017, University of Bologna |
Shaun Hargreaves Heap |
May 2017 |
The Political Influence of Peer Groups: Experimental Evidence in the Classroom in Oxford Economic Papers |
Camila F. S. Campos, Shaun Hargreaves Heap and Fernanda Leite Lopez de Leon |
2017 |
Behavioural Public Policy: the constitutional approach in Behavioural Public Policy |
Shaun P Hargreaves Heap |
October 2017 |
Social information ‘nudges’: an experiment with multiple group references in Southern Economic Journal |
Shaun Hargreaves Heap, Abhijit Ramalingam and David Rojo Arjona |
March 2017 |
Coordination when there are restricted and unrestricted options in Theory and Decision |
Shaun P. Hargreaves Heap, David Rojo Arjona and Robert Sugden |
June 2017 |
Towards a Framework to Support the Development of Peacebuilding Activities using an Object Oriented Agent-Based Modelling Approach in Garcia-Diaz C and Olaya C (Eds). Social Systems Engineering: The Design of Complexity |
Siebers PO, Figueredo G, Hirono M and Skatova A |
2017 |
What Software Engineering has to offer to Agent-Based Social Simulation in Edmonds B and Meyer R (Eds). Simulating Social Complexity: A Handbook - 2e |
Siebers PO and Kluegl F |
due 2018 |
The Potential of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design for Agent-based Computational Economics presented at Proceedings of the 28th European Simulation and Modelling Conference (ESM2014) in Porto, Portugal |
Peer-Olaf Siebers |
22-24 October 2014 |
The Sampling Brain in Trends in Congnitive Sciences |
Sanborn, A. & Chater, N. |
July 2017 |
Instantaneous conventions in Psychological Science |
Misyak, J., Noguchi, T., & Chater, N. |
October 2016 |
Virtual Bargaining: Building the foundations for a theory of social interaction in J. Kiverstein (Ed). Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of the Social Mind (pp. 418-430). Abingdon, UK. |
Chater, N., Misyak, J. B, Melkonyan, T. & Zeitoun, H. |
2016 |
Agents to the Rescue: Creating Artificial Labs for Evaluating Human-Natural Systems seminar at Michigan State University, 'School of Geography' and 'Center for Global Change & Earth Observations' |
Peer-Olaf Siebers |
April 2017 |
The Mind is Flat (new book) will be published by Penguin next year. It outlines a constructivist theory of thinking and decision making. |
Nick Chater |
March 2018 |
Opposites do not attack: War and peace in a dynamic bargaining experiment, presented at Eastern ARC workshop on conflict, Norwich |
Theodore Turocy |
July 2017 |
Racing towards a finishing line presented at Contests: Theory and Evidence, Norwich |
Theodore Turocy |
May 2017 |
The strategic sophistication of conditional cooperators: Evidence from public goods games - working paper |
Fallucchi, F., Luccasen, R.A. and Turocy, T.L. |
September 2017 |
Identifying discrete behavioural types: A re-analysis of public goods game contributions by hierarchical clustering - CBESS working paper |
Fallucchi, F., Luccasen, R.A. and Turocy, T.L. |
2017 |
That's the ticket: Explicit lottery randomisation and learning in Tullock contests - SSRN working paper |
Chowdhury, S.M., Mukherjee, A. and Turocy, T.L. |
March 2017 |
Assessing choice overload in a complex environment presented at the NIBS 2017 Autumn Workshop, at which Robin was also a panelist on the 'Introducing NIBS2 - Theme 1: Foundations' panel. |
Robin Cubitt |
September 2017 |
The strength of ambiguity sensitivity, Working Paper Queen Mary |
Robin Cubitt, Sujoy Mukerji and Gijs van de Kuilen |
August 2017 |
Discriminating between models of ambiguity attitude: a qualitative test, Working Paper Queen Mary |
Robin Cubitt, Sujoy Mukerji and Gijs van de Kuilen |
August 2017 |
Social Comparisons in Job Search: Experimental Evidence, CeDEx Discussion Paper No. 2017-10 |
Martin Sefton, Jingcheng Fu and Richard Upward |
2017 |
Team incentives and leadership (former CeDEx Working Paper) in Journal of Economic Psychology |
Michalis Drouvelis, Daniele Nosenzo and Martin Sefton |
October 2017 |
Strong Gender Differences in Strategic Cooperation (invited speaker) Workshop on Gender Issues in Experimental Economics, University of Alicante, Spain |
Simon Gaechter |
28 October 2014 |
The Rule of Law and Efficient Cooperation across Societies (keynote speaker) at International Workshop “Exploring Culture and Behaviour by Economic and Psychological Experiments" at University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany |
Simon Gaechter |
26 November 2014 |
Different Frames or Different Games? Understanding Preferences in Social Dilemmas (invited speaker) at the Workshop Behavioral Public Economics,Vienna University of Economics and Business; and (keynote speaker) at London Experimental Workshop, Queen Mary University. |
Simon Gaechter |
10 April 2015 & 7 June 2016 |
Measuring the Impact of Social Relationships: The Value of ‘Oneness’ presented at the University of Cologne; the Arne Ryde Workshop on Identity, Image and Economic Behavior at the University of Lund; The French Association of Experimental Economics Annual Meeting, Essec Business School; and NIBS 2016 conference at the University of East Anglia |
Simon Gaechter |
2016-2017 |
Cultural values, institutions, and voluntary cooperation: A cross- societal perspective (keynote speaker) at International Conference on Social Dilemmas, Sicily |
Simon Gaechter |
22 June 2017 |
Revealing the Economic Consequences of Group Cohesion (keynote speaker) at LISER Lab Inaugural workshop, Luxembourg |
Simon Gaechter |
15 September 2017 |
Associative judgment and vector space semantics in Psychological Review |
Sudeep Bhatia |
2017 |
What does attention tell us about choice processes? presented at the NIBIS/Leverhulme conference at Carnegie Mellon |
Tim Mullett |
September 2017 |
When is attention biased towards more informative attributes? presented at the European Group for Process Tracing Models, University of Galway |
Tim Mullett |
June 2017 |
Testing for Overconfidence and Cognitive Dissonance Effects in a Valuation Experiment - a presentation at SPUDM 26 in Technion, Haifa, Israel |
Caspar von Schenck |
August 2017 |
How does happiness relate to economic behaviour? A review of the literature in Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics |
Tom Lane |
June 2017 |
Measuring Behavioural Change of Players in Public Goods Game (forthcoming book) by Springer Intelligent Systems. |
Fattah, Polla; Aickelin, Uwe; Wagner, Christian |
2017-18 |
Optimising Rule-Based Classification in Temporal Data in ZANCO Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences |
Fattah, Polla; Aickelin, Uwe; Wagner, Christian |
May 2016 |
Real time tacit bargaining, payoff focality, and coordination complexity in Games and Economic Behavior |
Wolfgang J.Luhan, Anders U.Poulsen and Michael W.M.Roos |
March 2017 |
Risk taking and sharing when risk exposure is interdependent, presented at the NIBS Autumn Event, Derby Conference Centre |
Abigail Barr |
6-8 September 2017 |
Labor Market Participation, Political Ideology and Distributive Preferences, NICEP Working Paper 2016-14. |
Demel, S, A. Barr, L. Miller, and P. Ubeda |
December 2016 |
Cooperation in Polygynous Households, IFPRI Discussion Paper 01625. Work also presented by Abigail Barr in May 2017 at the 8th Development Economics Workshop Wageningen University |
Barr, A., M. Dekker, W. Janssens, B. Kebede, B. Kramer |
March 2017 |
Disappointment Aversion and Social Comparisons in a Real-Effort Competition in Economic Inquiry. Work also presented by Martin Sefton at Contests: Theory and Evidence Conference at Norwich, (May 2016) |
Simon Gaechter, Lingbo Huang and Martin Sefton |
September 2017, May 2016 |
Reciprocity and the tragedies of maintaining and providing the commons in Nature Human Behaviour |
Simon Gaechter, Felix Koelle and Simone Quercia |
August 2017 |
Conditional Cooperation and Betrayal Aversion (former CeDEx Working Paper) now published in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization |
Robin Cubitt, Simon Gaechter and Simone Quercia |
September 2017 |
The role of information search and its influence on risk preferences in Theory and Decision |
Orestis Kopsacheilis |
July 2017 |
The importance of peers for compliance with norms of fair sharing in European Economic Review |
Simon Gächter, Leonie Gerhards and Daniele Nosenzo |
June 2017 |
Revealing the Economic Consequences of Group Cohesion - CeDEx Working Paper 2017-09 |
Simon Gaechter, Chris Starmer and Fabio Tufano |
June 2017 |
Are there Attraction and Compromise Effects in Bargaining? presented at: Dept of Economics, University of Aahrus (March 2016); Eastern ARC meeting, Kent (April 2016); NIBS Annual Meeting, University of Warwick (Sept 2016); ESA Meeting, Vienna (September 2017). |
Anders Poulsen |
2016 - 2017 |
Preferences and personality traits presented at Potsdam Preferences workshop in Potsdam |
Anya Skatova |
April 2016 |
Where do fairness preferences come from? An experiment with adolescents presented at NIBS workshop |
David Hugh-Jones |
September 2017 |
The logic of costly punishment reversed: Expropriation of free-riders and outsiders in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 135, (2017): 112-130, ISSN 0167-2681 |
David Hugh-Jones, Carlo Perroni |
March 2017 |
Relative Rank Theory: Judgement and Choice in Homo Ordinalus - keynote speaker at JDM workshop, Basel |
Gordon Brown |
19 June 2016 |
Context, Communication, and Choice - keynote speaker at the Questus workshop in Kielce, Poland |
Gordon Brown |
16 Nov 2016 |
Relative Rank Theory: Judgement, Choice, and Preferences presented at Annual Summer Interdisciplinary Conference, Selva di Val Gardena |
Gordon Brown |
6 June 2016 |
Thoughts about Commensurability - presented at the NIBS 2016 workshop |
Gordon Brown |
Sept 2016 |
Contributed to Guardian podcast on the question of whether the civil service would benefit from a cybernetical view |
Robert MacKay |
10 Feb 2017 |
Calibration with confidence: a principled method for panel assessment in Royal Society Open Science 4: 160760 |
R. S. MacKay, R. Kenna, R. J. Low, S. Parker |
February 2017 |
Measuring the Impact of Social Relationships - invited speaker at NIBS Conference 2016 University of East Anglia, and at Workshop on Social Identity University of Lund, Sweden; and keynote at Annual Meeting of the French Association of Experimental Economics (ASFEE) ESSEC Business School Cergy-Pontoise, France |
Simon Gaechter |
April, June & October 2016 |
Understanding preferences in social dilemmas - keynote speaker at London Experimental Workshop at Queen Mary University of London |
Simon Gaechter |
16-17 June 2016 |
Good Leadership: Insights from Behavioural Economics - keynote speaker at Value Day, University of Applied Sciences, Dornbirn, Austria |
Simon Gaechter |
11 March 2016 |
Growth and Inequality in Public Good Provision, forthcoming in Journal of Public Economics |
Simon Gaechter, Friederike Mengel and Elias Tsakas and Alexander Vostroknutov |
2017 |
Consumer Credit Card Behaviour presented at CeDEx Seminar Series, University of Nottingham |
Jörg Weber |
3 May 2016 |
Linking elicitation of behavioural characteristics in surveys and experiments presented at first workshop on behavioural data linking at LSE |
Jörg Weber |
13-14 June 2016 |
Assessing Choice Overload in a Complex Environment presented at European Meeting of ESA, Bergen |
Jörg Weber |
30 August to 3 Sept 2016 |
How Optimal is Consumer Borrowing? Evidence and Explanations from Credit Cards presented at Research in Behavioural Science, Free University, Amsterdam and University of Hamburg |
Jörg Weber |
September & May 2016 |
Relative Rank and Life Satisfaction: Evidence from US Households - working paper |
Gordon Brown, John Gathergood, Jörg Weber |
Feb 2017 |
Financial Literacy, Present Bias and Alternative Mortgage Products in Journal of Banking & Finance and presented at Consumer Choice in Mortgage Markets at FCA/Imperial College Business School (JW) |
John Gathergood and Jörg Weber |
Online February 2017 |
Financial literacy: A barrier to home ownership for the young? in Journal of Urban Economics, 99 (2017): 62-78. |
John Gathergood and Jörg Weber |
2017 |
Tu mihi soli places: An experiment on the competitiveness of all-pay auctions with private information presented at Fifth World Congress of the Game Theory Society, Maastricht NL |
Theodore Turocy |
July 2016 |
Behavioural types are portable across public goods games presented at European Meeting of ESA and NIBS workshop |
Theodore Turocy |
August & September 2016 |
Mathematics self-confidence and the “prepayment effect” in riskless choices in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 135 (2017) 239-250 |
Lian Xue, Stefania Sitzia, Theodore L. Turocy |
March 2017 |
Consultation reports to several organisations advising on using behavioural science to: boost productivity (manufacturing); assesses impact of community centres on social integration (Pakistan); and evaluate effects of a youth programme on youth well-being (Nottingham). |
Emily Wyman |
March, May, August 2016 |
Team Reasoning and Fairness in Children's Cooperative Decision-Making presented at Social Norms and Cultural Transmission workshop, Norwich |
Emily Wyman |
December 2016 |
Human Cooperation: Ontogenetic and Evolutionary Origins, in The Cambridge Handbook of Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Behaviour (eds, J Barkow, W Reader and L Workman). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. |
Gruneisen S and Wyman E |
Due 2017 |
Resentment and the Evolution of Social Norms of Cooperation presented at the Cultural Transmission and Social Norms Workshop in Norwich |
Xueheng Li |
15 December 2016 |
Blue light collaboration at the Met Police Commissioner’s 100 event at The Shard, London |
Neil Stewart |
8 November 2016 |
Discussant on the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime at the Policing and Crime in a Global City Conference, City Hall, London |
Neil Stewart |
24 October 2016 |
Results from Experiment 1 presented at the Financial Conduct Authority. |
Neil Stewart and Tim Mullett |
8 February 2017 |
Multialternative decision by sampling presented at SJDM, Boston |
Neil Stewart |
19 November 2016 |
Speaker on "Stop and search" at West Midlands Police International Study Tour (Birmingham). |
Neil Stewart |
3 October 2016 |
Speaker on "Police complaints" at the NIBS September workshop 2016 (University of Warwick). |
Neil Stewart |
14 September 2016 |
Sharing and development opportunities in 2016 at NIBS 2016 Conference (3 days, March); NIBS Preferences Workshop (3 days, April); Foundations of Utility and Risk (FUR) Conference (4 days, June); and NIBS Internal Meeting (2 days, September). |
Caspar von Schenck |
2016 |
Can Schelling’s focal points help us understand high-stakes negotiations? Testing one of the Nobel laureate’s biggest ideas this article on the American Economic Association, by Tim Hyde, features the work of NIBS colleagues. |
Robert Sugden, Andrea Isoni, Anders Poulsen and Kei Tsutsui |
January 2017 |
Ontology, Methodological Individualism, and the Foundations of the Social Sciences in Journal of Economic Literature, 54 (4), 1377-1389 (13) |
Robert Sugden |
December 2016 |
Characterising competitive equilibrium in terms of opportunity (forthcoming) in Social Choice and Welfare |
Robert Sugden |
Online January 2017 |
Backward induction foundations of the Shapley value in Econometrica 84(6) (2016): 2265–2280. |
Ben McQuillin and Robert Sugden |
November 2016 |
Behavioural types in public goods games: A re-analysis by hierarchical clustering - CBESS 2017-01 Working Paper |
Francesco Fallucchi, R. Andrew Luccasen and Theodore L. Turocy |
January 2017 |
Labor Market Participation, Political Ideology and Distributive Preferences - CeDEx 2016-18 Working Paper |
Simona Demel, Abigail Barr, Luis Miller & Paloma Ubeda |
13 December 2016 |
Comment on “Preference: Choice Primitive or Constructed Value?” Preference as Process at Foundations of Risk and Utility, Warwick as a plenary commentator |
Neil Stewart |
29 June 2016 |
Accumulator Models and the Nature of Preference presented at Nature of Preference, Potsdam |
Neil Stewart |
19 April 2016 |
Perfect Cop presented at Total Professionalism Board, New Scotland Yard |
Neil Stewart |
17 March 2016 |
Demand for custody presented at NPCC Custody meeting, Loughborough |
Neil Stewart |
11 March 2016 |
An experimental evaluation of the impact of pricing and framing interventions on healthy diet choice presented at NIBS 2015 Behavioural Science and Policy conference. |
Daniel J Zizzo |
April 2015 |
On Reminder Effects, Drop-Outs and Dominance: Evidence from an Online Experiment on Charitable Giving in PLOS One, 10(8), e0134705. |
A. Sonntag and D.J. Zizzo |
August 2015 |
Keep Up With the Winners: Experimental Evidence on Risk Taking, Asset Integration, and Peer Effects in European Economic Review, 79, 59-79. |
M. Fafchamps, B. Kebede and D.J Zizzo |
October 2015 |
Compliance and the Power of Authority in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 124, 67-80. |
A. Karakostas and D.J. Zizzo |
April 2016 |
"A Self-Funding Reward Mechanism for Tax Compliance", Social Science Research Network Discussion Paper. |
E. Fatas, D. Nosenzo, M. Sefton and D.J. Zizzo |
August 2015 |
"An Experiment on Democratic versus Dictatorial Collective Decision Making", Social Science Research Network Discussion Paper. |
S.P. Hargreaves Heap, K. Tsutsui and D.J. Zizzo |
July 2015 |
"The Impact of Taxation and Signposting on Diet: An Online Field Study with Breakfast Cereals and Soft Drinks", University of York Centre for Health Economics Research Paper 177 |
D.J. Zizzo, M. Parravano, R. Nakamura, S. Forwood and M. Suhrcke |
June 2016 |
Resentment and the Evolution of Social Norms of Cooperation presented at CCC (CBESS-CeDEx-CREED) Meeting, Amsterdam |
Xueheng Li |
12-13 May 2016 |
The impact of interventions supporting job seekers on job seekers' acknowledgement of earned entitlement presented at NIBS Workshop, University of Warwick. |
Abigail Barr |
14-16 September 2016 |
Unemployment and distributive preferences presented at NIBS 2016 Conference, University of East Anglia. |
Abigail Barr |
4-6 April 2016 |
Complicity without connection or communication published by CeDEx 2016-14 (working paper series). |
Barr, A and G, Michaelidou |
September 2016 |
Nudging the electorate: a field experiment on raising voter registration for the UK General Election - poster presentation by Tom Lane at NIBS 2016, UEA, Norwich, followed by a CeDEx Working Paper 2017-05 |
Koelle F, Lane T, Nosenzo D, & Starmer C |
April 2016 & May 2017 |
When is attention biased towards more informative attributes? presented at Decision Sciences Attention Workshop, Konstanz University. |
Tim Mullett |
19 May 2016 |
Strategies in Incentive Equivalent Public Goods Games and Binary Dilemmas presented at FUR, Warwick. |
Tim Mullett |
28 June 2016 |
Implications of Visual Phenomena for Models of Preferential Choice presented at ASIC, Val Gardena (Italy); and EGPROC Max Planck Institute for Collective Goods (Bonn, Germany). |
Tim Mullett |
24 June & 5 July 2016 |
The Dynamics of Deferred Decisions in Cognitive Psychology 86, 112-151. |
Bhatia, S., & Mullett, T.L. |
May 2016 |
Game Show Economics presented at WZB Berlin (seminar) |
Dennie van Dolder |
3 February 2016 |
Vox Populi Interioris: The Wisdom of the Inner Crowd in Three Incentivized Large-Scale Natural Experiments - presented at MPI Berlin (ARC Group); IMEBESS Luiss University Rome; and TIBER Tilburg University, the Netherlands. |
Dennie van Dolder |
February, April and August 2016 |
‘Behavioural game theory’ invited speaker in keynote round table discussion at Foundations of Utility and Risk (FUR) 2016 Conference, University of Warwick. |
Robert Sugden |
28 June 2016 |
'The opportunity criterion’ keynote speaker at NIBS 2016 conference: Assessing well-being when preferences are incoherent. |
Robert Sugden |
4-6 April 2016 |
'Preference purification and the inner rational agent’ keynote speaker at International Meeting of Economic Science Association, Hebrew University, Jerusalem; invited speaker at Explanation, Normativity, and Uncertainty in Economic Modelling LSE; and invited speaker at Workshop on Philosophy and Economics University of Innsbruck. |
Robert Sugden |
March, June & July 2016 |
Backward induction foundations of the Shapley value forthcoming in Econometrica |
Ben McQuillin and Robert Sugden |
September 2016 |
The emergence of reciprocally beneficial cooperation in Theory and Decision 80,501–521 |
Sergio Beraldo and Robert Sugden |
April 2016 |
“On the Econ within”: a reply to Daniel Hausman in Journal of Economic Methodology 23, 33–37 |
Gerardo Infante, Guilhem Lecouteux and Robert Sugden |
March 2016 |
Endowment inequality in public goods games: A re-examination in Economic Letters 146, 4–7. |
Hargreaves Heap, S. P., Ramalingam, A., & Stoddard, B. V. |
September 2016 |
Presented at The Behavioral Public Economics workshop in Vienna (on democracy, rights and dictatorship). |
Shaun Hargreaves-Heap |
September 2016 |
Presented at EWEBE workshop in Cologne (on conformism). |
Shaun Hargreaves-Heap |
June 2016 |
The focality of dominated compromises in tacit coordination situations: Experimental evidence in Journal of Behavioural and Experimental Economics 60, 29–34. |
Zoë Bett, Anders Poulsen, Odile Poulsen |
February 2016 |
Real Time Bargaining Situations: Experimental Evidence presented at Bargaining: Theory and Experiments, Bilkent University, Turkey. |
Anders Poulsen |
July 2016 |
Lying in a foreign language presented at CCC (Amsterdam); 1st Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Judgment and Decision Making Studies (Mallorca); and 11th Nordic conference on behavioural and experimental economics (Oslo). |
Despoina Alempaki |
May, July & September 2016 |
Relative Rank Theory - keynote speaker at JDMx (Basel) |
Gordon Brown |
June 2016 |
Relative Rank Theory: Judgement, Choice,and Preferences presented at Annual Summer Interdisciplinary Conference, Austria |
Gordon Brown |
July 2016 |
Being paid relatively well most of the time: Negatively skewed payments are more satisfying in Memory & Cognition 44 (6), 966-973. |
Tripp, J., & Brown, G. D. A. |
September 2016 |
A rank based social norms model of how people judge their levels of drunkenness whilst intoxicated, BMC Public Health (in press). |
Moore, S. C., Wood, A. M., Moore, L., Shepherd, J., Murphy, S., & Brown, G. D. A. |
September 2016 |
Does group discussion lead to better informed and more strategic market entry decisions? - Economics Letters, 144, 25-28. |
Zahra Murad |
July 2016 |
Learning to Coordinate: Co-Evolution and Correlated Equilibrium. CeDEx Working Paper 2016-11 |
Alejandro Lee-Penagos |
August 2016 |
Reputational Concerns in Repeated Rent-Seeking Contests - CeDEx Working Paper 2016-05 |
Francesco Fallucchi and Elke Renner |
February 2016 |
Exchange visit by Han Bleichrodt from Erasmus University Rotterdam (our international partner), who also gave a CeDEx seminar on 20 April 2016 |
Dennie van Dolder |
April 2016 |
Moral consequences of becoming unemployed in PNAS. Media coverage includes interview for BBC Tees (13 April 2016 - listen from 1hr 21m) and articles in Phys-Org; Science Daily; Science Files (in German); University of the Basque Country Website (in Spanish); Money Magazine; Pacific Standard; Daily Mail and El Pais (in Spanish). |
Abigail Barr, Luis Miller and Paloma Ubeda |
March & April 2016 |
Religion, Discrimination and Trust Across Three Cultures in European Economic Review 90, 280-301 |
Swee Hoon Chuah, Simon Gächter, Robert Hoffmann and Jonathan H.W. Tan |
7 April 2016 |
The focality of dominated compromises in tacit coordination situations: Experimental evidence, in Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 60, 29-34. |
Bett, Z, Poulsen, A, & Poulsen, O |
2016 |
“How strong are the compromise and attraction effect in bargaining?” presented at Department of Economics, University of Aarhus, Denmark. |
Anders Poulsen |
29 March 2016 |
“Efficiency versus Equality in Bargaining” presented at seminar at GATE-CNRS, Lyon (France). |
Anders Poulsen |
November 2015 |
“Real time bargaining, payoff focality, and coordination complexity” presented at London Experimental Workshop, Royal Holloway (June 2015); the Economic Science Association’s European meeting in Heidelberg, Germany (September 2015); and the Department of Economics, University of Gothenburg, Sweden (22 March 2016). |
Anders Poulsen |
2015 to 2016 |
Measuring implicit attitudes: A positive framing bias flaw in the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP) in Psychological Assessment, 28, 158–170. |
O'Shea, B, Watson, DG, and Brown, GDA |
February 2016 |
Notions of distributive justice and labour market outcomes in Spain. Preliminary findings presented at the NIBS workshop in September 2014, with further analysis presented at a CeDEx seminar in June 2015 and the first paper entitled 'The Moral Consequences of Becoming Unemployed' is to be presented at the NIBS 2016 conference at UEA in April 2016. |
Abigail Barr |
2014 to 2016 |
Diagnostic validity of behavioural and psychometric impulsivity measures: An assessment in adolescent and adult populations in Personality and Individual Differences, 90, 347–352 |
Kulendran, M, Patel, K, Darzi, A, and Vlaev, I |
February 2016 |
The Now-or-Never Bottleneck: A Fundamental Constraint on Language (in press) Behavioral and Brain Sciences. |
Morten H Christiansen and Nick Chater |
2016 |
The Language Faculty that Wasn’t (in press) Frontiers in Language Sciences. |
Morten H Christiansen and Nick Chater |
2016 |
Economic irrationality is optimal during noisy decision-making (in press) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. |
Tsetsos, K, Chater, N, Moran, R, Moreland, J, Usher, M, and Summerfield, C |
2016 |
Implications of Visual Attention Phenomena for Models of Preferential Choice in Decision 3 (4), 231-253 |
Tim Mullett and Neil Stewart |
October 2016 |
Creating Language (in press) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press |
Morten H Christiansen and Nick Chater |
2016 |
Language as skill: Intertwining comprehension and production (in press) Journal of Memory and Language. |
Nick Chater, Stewart M McCauley and Morten H Christiansen |
2016 |
Income inequality, income, and internet searches for status goods: A cross-national study of the association between inequality and well-being. Social Indicators Research (in press). |
Walasek, L, and Brown, GDA |
November 2015 |
Improving social norms interventions: Rank-framing increases excessive alcohol drinkers' information-seeking in Health Psychology, 34, 1200-1203 |
Taylor, MJ, Vlaev, I, Maltby, J, Brown, GDA, and Wood, AM |
December 2015 |
Students’ concern about indebtedness: A rank based social norms account in Studies in Higher Education, 40, 1307-1327. |
Aldrovandi, S, Wood, A, Maltby, J, and Brown, GDA |
2015 |
Relative Rank Theory presented at Departmental Seminars in Bristol and Newcastle and JDM & Memory Workshop in Basel. |
Gordon Brown |
2015 |
'Social Norms and Polarisation' presented at a Departmental Seminar, Manchester in October 2015 and a Research Seminar in Berlin, July 2015; also presented at Social Norms & Institutions, Ascona, May 2015. |
Gordon Brown |
2015 |
A Tale of Two Cities: The Impact of Political literacy on Political Attitudes in Israel - working paper. |
Patel, K, Borovoi, L and Vlaev, I |
2015 |
Preference Elicitation and the Subjective Well-being Approach to Health State Valuation, presented at ESRC workshop in Stirling. |
Gordon Brown |
June 2015 |
'Choice overload in filtered choice-sets' presented at NIBS September Workshop, Nottingham |
Gerardo Infante |
September 2015 |
Money Lives: Improving financial capability using behavioural science and ethnography - working paper. |
Vlaev, I, Patel, K and Elliot, A |
2015 |
Social norms and rank-based nudging: Changing willingness to pay for healthy food in Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 21, 242-252. |
Aldrovandi, S, Brown, GDA, and Wood, AM |
September 2015 |
Eyetracking and the EQ5D - presented at the UK Department of Health Analytical Seminar Series. It is expected to lead to two papers. |
Tim Mullett and Rebecca McDonald |
2015 to 2016 |
Preference purification and the inner rational agent: a critique of the conventional wisdom of behavioural welfare economics in Journal of Economic Methodology 23, 1–25. |
Gerardo Infante, Guilhem Lecouteux and Robert Sugden |
Online March 2016 |
Justice Judgments: Individual Self-Insight and Between- and Within-Person Consistency in Academy of Management Discoveries, 2, 33-50. |
Hayley German, Marion Fortin and Daniel Read |
March 2016 |
Intrinsic honesty and the prevalence of rule violations across societies paper in Nature and Simon was an invited speaker at Dysfunctional Organisations World Bank, Washington. This led to several media articles including The Telegraph, The Independent, The Atlantic, This is Money and Science Magazine. |
Simon Gaechter & Jonathan F Schulz |
March 2016 |
'Randomised controlled trials at the FCA' speakers at UK Cards. |
John Gathergood and Neil Stewart |
29 January 2016 |
Personality, parasites, political attitudes and cooperation: A model of how infection prevalence influences openness and social group formation. Topics in Cognitive Science, 8, 98–111 |
Brown, GDA, Fincher, CL, and Walasek, L |
November 2015 |
Gave a talk on medication adherence for a medication adherence event organised by WBS for clinicians, hospital managers and students. Kris was also part of the discussion panel and Q&A session. |
Krishane Patel |
November 2015 |
Do people really want to be nudged towards healthy lifestyles? Plenary speaker at Economics, Health and Happiness held at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland. |
Robert Sugden |
14-16 January 2016 |
Risk Taking and Information Aggregation in Groups in Journal of Economic Psychology, 51, 34-47. |
Spiros Bougheas, Jeroen Nieboer and Martin Sefton |
December 2015 |
Strategic and Natural Risk in Entrepreneurship: An Experimental Study forthcoming in Journal of Economics and Management Strategy. |
John Morgan, Henrik Orzen, Martin Sefton and Dana Sisak |
December 2015 |
Discrimination in the laboratory: A meta-analysis of economics experiments in European Economic Review. |
Tom Lane |
December 2015 |
Is Poor Financial Literacy a Barrier to Home Ownership? |
John Gathergood and Joerg Weber |
August 2015 |
'Vox Populi Interioris: Repeated Judgment Sampling in Three Natural Experiments' presented at WESSI 2016 held at NYU Abu Dhabi, and also presented at SPUDM in Budapest. |
Dennie van Dolder |
January 2016 & August 2015 |
Rational Inattention to Information in Memory: Why Small Sample Sizes? presented at Rational Inattention Workshop, Warwick. |
Gordon Brown |
May 2015 |
When is received social support related to perceived support and well-being? When it is needed in Personality and Individual Differences, 77, 97-105. |
Melrose, KL, Brown, GDA, and Wood, AM |
April 2015 |
Financial Literacy, Present Bias and Alternative Mortgage Products, also presented by Joerg Weber at RES Annual Conference in Manchester in April 2015. |
John Gathergood and Joerg Weber |
July 2015 |
'Expected Utility—Unexpected Results' - visiting speaker at the ABC group, MPI, Berlin. |
Neil Stewart |
28 October 2015 |
On the social appropriateness of discrimination - this was presented by Tom Lane at the NIBS conference in April 2015 and the CCC Meeting (UEA) in June 2015 and then became a CeDEx working paper in December 2015. |
Abigail Barr, Tom Lane and Daniele Nosenzo |
December 2015 |
'Judgment and Decision Making in the Casino' presented at our international partner institute, Carnegie Mellon University, in Pittsburgh. |
Dennie van Dolder |
November 2015 |
'Visual Attention in Health Judgements' and 'No Link Between Attention and Item Value in the Diffusion Model of Choice' presented at SPUDM (Subjective Probability Utility and Decision Making) held at Corvinus University, Budapest |
Tim Mullett |
August 2015 |
Expected utility estimated with generalized linear mixed-effects models presented at the Birkbeck modelling workshop, Birkbeck. |
Neil Stewart |
July 2015 |
Identifying Social Norms Using Coordination Games: Spectators vs. Stakeholders in Economics Letters, 130, 28-31. |
Hande Erkut, Daniele Nosenzo and Martin Sefton |
May 2015 |
'Looking for "Ambiguity Attitude" in a Strategic Setting' and 'Probabilistic Preferences and Failures of Procedural Invariance' presented at NIBS 2015 conference. |
Graham Loomes |
April 2015 |
Team Incentives and Leadership - CeDEx Working Paper 2015-05 |
Michalis Drouvelis, Daniele Nosenzo and Martin Sefton |
April 2015 |
Loss Aversion - visiting speaker at Experimental Psychology, Oxford; Bangor Psychology; and Basel Decision Making and Memory Workshop, Leuenberg. |
Neil Stewart |
May 2015 |
Keep Up With the Winners: Experimental Evidence on Risk Taking, Asset Integration, and Peer Effects in European Economic Review, 79, 59-79 |
M. Fafchamps, B. Kebede and D.J Zizzo |
October 2015 |
Credit Counseling: A Substitute for Consumer Financial Literacy? in Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 14: 466-491 Special Issue on Household Finance. |
Richard Disney, John Gathergood and Joerg Weber |
Online 1 October 2015 |
Looking for a psychology for the inner rational agent in Social Theory and Practice 41, 579–598. |
Robert Sugden |
October 2015 |
Incentives and Reasoning in Experimental Games NIBS Internal Workshop presented at NIBS September workshop. |
Graham Loomes |
September 2015 |
The average laboratory samples a population of 7,300 Amazon Mechanical Turk workers in Judgment and Decision Making. |
Stewart, N, Ungemach, C, Harris, AJL, Bartels, DM, Newell, BR, Paolacci, G, and Chandler, J |
September 2015 |
Honesty and Efficient Cooperation across Societies keynote speaker at 3rd Tilburg Law and Economics Center Workshop, 'Economic Governance and Social Preferences'. |
Simon Gaechter |
September 2015 |
Modelling the effect of individual differences in publishment sensitivity on behaviour in a public goods game presented at The 14th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation Bergeggi, Italy. |
Theodore Turocy and Peer-Olaf Siebers |
September 2015 |
Emergence and transmission of cooperative norms: variations and correlations in cooperation and punishment presented at the ESA Meeting in Heidelberg |
Xueheng Li |
September 2015 |
Deception and Reciprocity presented at the ESA Meeting in Heidelberg and the PhD Decision Making Workshop held in Birmingham. Now also SSRN working paper |
Despoina Alempaki |
September & October 2015 June 2016 |
Choosing the Devil you don’t know: Evidence for limited sensitivity to sample-size based uncertainty when it offers an advantage (in press) Management Science |
Florian L. Kutzner, Daniel Read, Neil Stewart and Gordon Brown |
October 2015 |
Combining “real effort” with induced effort costs: the ball-catching task (in press) Experimental Economics |
Simon Gaechter, Lingbo Huang and Martin Sefton |
September 2015 |
Consumers’ surplus when individuals lack integrated preferences: a development of some ideas from Dupuit in European Journal of History of Economic Thought 22, 1042–1063. |
Robert Sugden |
Online September 2015 |
'Virtual Bargaining' keynote speaker at NIBS 2015 conference (Nottingham) and Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making (Budapest). |
Nick Chater |
April 2015 and August 2015 |
An experiment on individual ‘parochial altruism’ revealing no connection between individual ‘altruism’ and individual ‘parochialism’ in Frontiers of Psychology. |
P.Corr, S. Hargreaves-Heap, C.Segar and K. Tsutsui |
August 2015 |
On Reminder Effects, Drop-Outs and Dominance: Evidence from an Online Experiment on Charitable Giving in PLOS One, 10(8), e0134705 2015 |
A. Sonntag and D.J. Zizzo |
August 2015 |
The future of microeconomics: can heterodoxy break through? Invited speaker at a special session of the Annual Conference of Association for Heterodox Economics held at Southampton Solent University. |
Robert Sugden |
2 July 2015 |
Presentation and response timing accuracy in Adobe Flash and HTML5/JavaScript web experiments in Behavior Research Methods 47(2), 309-327. |
Reimers, S and Stewart, N |
June 2015 |
Conditional cooperation and betrayal aversion - CeDEx Discussion Paper 2015-14 (now published in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization - Sept 2017) |
Robin Cubitt, Simon Gächter and Simone Quercia |
July 2015 |
'Tu mihi soli places: An experiment on the competitiveness of all-pay auctions with private information' presented at the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, Cambridge. |
Theodore Turocy |
July 2015 |
Peer effects and social preferences in voluntary cooperation: A theoretical and experimental analysis in Journal of Economic Psychology 48, 72-88 |
Christian Thoeni and Simon Gaechter |
June 2015 |
Invited to present 'Mixing methods to generate insights into the mechanisms at work behind behaviour-changing interventions' and 'The Roots of Human Sociality Project' at Comparative (Framed) Field Experiments on the Environment held at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. |
Abigail Barr |
18 - 20 May 2015 |
'Joint inference and rationality' keynote speaker at rationality workshop, Geissen (Germany) |
Nick Chater |
April 2015 |
'Credible worlds' plenary speaker at Just Playing? Toy Models in the Sciences held at the Ludwig-Maximillians-Universität, Munich. |
Robert Sugden |
9 May 2015 |
How to make loss aversion disappear and reverse: Tests of the decision by sampling origin of loss aversion in Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 144, 7-11. |
Lukasz Walasek and Neil Stewart |
February 2015 |
Eye movements in risky choice in Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. |
Stewart, N, Hermens, F, and Matthews, WJ |
Online January 2015 |
'Calibration of Assessors' invited presenter at British Applied Maths Colloquium, Cambridge |
Robert MacKay |
April 2015 |
Stated and revealed inequality aversioin three subject pools in Journal of the Economic Science Association 1(1), 43-58 |
Benjamin Beranek, Robin Cubitt and Simon Gaechter |
April 2015 |
Two plus two makes five? Survey evidence that investors overvalue structured deposits - Financial Conduct Authority Occasional Papers in Financial Regulation, 9 |
Stefan Hunt, Neil Stewart and Redis Zaliauskas |
March 2015 |
Plenary speaker at the Third Toulouse Economics and Biology Workshop (Evolution and Morality) with 'The role of salience in the emergence and reproduction of morality'. |
Robert Sugden |
4 March 2015 |
Invited to the Royal Economic Society Conference held at the University of Manchester - special Economic Journal 125th anniversary session in honour of their ‘Regret Theory’ paper. |
Robert Sugden and Graham Loomes |
3 March 2015 |
Beyond Chance? The Persistence of Performance in Online Poker in PLoS ONE, 10(3). |
Rogier J.D. Potter van Loon, Martijn J. van den Assem & Dennie van Dolder |
2 March 2015 |
Awarded the Senior Whitehead prize of the London Mathematical Society for 2015. |
Robert MacKay |
July 2015 |
Bonus versus Penalty: How Robust Are the Effects of Contract Framing? CeDEx Discussion Paper 2016-01.
Also published in the Journal of the Economic Science Association 2017 |
Johnathan de Quidt , Francesco Fallucchi, Felix Kölle, Daniele Nosenzo and Simone Quercia |
February 2016 December 2017 |
Risky Choice in the Limelight in Review of Economics and Statistics 98 (2), 318-332 |
Guido Baltussen, Martijn J. van den Assem and Dennie van Dolder |
Online Jan 2015 Published May 2016 |
Individual Choices in Dynamic Networks: An Experiment on Social Preferences in PLoS ONE, 9(4): e92276, 2014 |
Dennie van Dolder and Vincent Buskens |
14 April 2014 |
Prince: An Improved Method for Measuring Incentivized Preferences - SSRN working paper |
Cathleen A. Johnson, Aurélien Baillon, Han Bleichrodt, Zhihua Li, Dennie van Dolder and Peter P. Wakker |
December 2015 |
Mathematics self-confidence and the “prepayment effect” in riskless choices - CBESS discussion paper |
Lian Xue Stefania Sitzia and Theodore L. Turocy |
November 2015 |
Measuring Loss Aversion under Ambiguity: A Method to Make Prospect Theory Completely Observable in Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 52(1): 1-20. |
Mohammed Abdellaoui, Han Bleichrodt, Oliver l'Haridon and Dennie van Dolder |
Published February 2016 |
How do risk attitudes affect measured confidence? - CeDEx Discussion Paper 2015-26 (revised version of 2014-18) |
Zahra Murad, Martin Sefton and Chris Starmer |
November 2015 |
‘Doggedness’ or ‘disengagement’? An experiment on the effect of inequality in endowment on behaviour in team competitions published in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization |
Shaun P. Hargreaves Heap, Abhijit Ramalingam, Siddharth Ramalingam and Brock V. Stoddard |
December 2015 |
"The Strangeness of Tradition" BBC Radio 4 The Human Zoo, Series 7 |
Nick Chater and Bob Sugden |
22 December 2015 |
The importance of peers for compliance with norms of fair sharing - CeDEx Discussion Paper 2015-23 |
Simon Gächter, Leonie Gerhards & Daniele Nosenzo |
24 December 2015 |
Justice Judgments: Individual Self-Insight and Between- and Within-Person Consistency in Academy of Management Discoveries |
Hayley German, Marion Fortin and Daniel Read |
23 November 2015 |
Eye Movements in Strategic Choice published in Behavioral Decision Making |
Neil Stewart, Simon Gächter, Takao Noguchi and Timothy L. Mullett |
29 October 2015 |
Using ‘oneness’ to investigate the impact of social relationships in the lab and beyond (Chris Starmer presenting at the University of Konstanz) |
Chris Starmer, Simon Gächter and Fabio Tufano |
3-5 November 2015 |
Number Preferences in Lotteries (paper) led to media coverage in the Wall Street Journal and now published in Judgment and Decision Making (May 2016). |
Dennie van Dolder (with Rogier J.D. Potter van Loon, Martijn J. Van den Assem and Tong V. Wang) |
October 2015 & May 2016 |
Presentation of work at the European Commission's "Field-experiments for Tax Compliance" Workshop |
Enrique Fatas |
24-25 September 2015 |
Heterogeneity, inequity aversion, and group performance |
Felix Kölle, Dirk Sliwka and Nannan Zhou |
28 August 2015 Social Choice & Welfare |
Choice Rules and Accumulator Networks |
Sudeep Bhatia |
27 July 2015 APA Psyc Net |
Sponsorship of the Summer School on Medical and Ethical Decision Making organised by Warwick Business School |
Graham Loomes |
7-10 July 2015 |
Deal or No Deal shows how transparency makes us risk averse in The Conversation |
Dennie van Dolder |
18 June 2015 |
Measuring the Closeness of Relationships: A Comprehensive Evaluation of the 'Inclusion of the Other in the Self' Scale in PLoS ONE |
Simon Gaechter, Chris Starmer and Fabio Tufano |
12 June 2015 |
Standing United or Falling Divided? High Stakes Bargaining in a TV Game Show in American Economic Review and also presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association in Boston, USA. |
Dennie van Dolder, Martijn van den Assem, Colin Camerer and Richard Thaler |
May 2015 |
The Under-Appreciated Drive for Sense-Making in Social Science Research Network |
Nick Chater & George Loewenstein |
20 April 2015 |
Inequality and status seeking: Searching for positional goods in unequal US states in Psychological Science which also featured in media articles including The Atlantic and Huffington Post. |
Lukasz Walasek and Gordon Brown |
Volume 26 (4) April 2015 Pages 527-533 First published online 19 March 2015 |
'On preference imprecision' published in Journal of Risk and Uncertainty |
Robin P. Cubitt, Daniel Navarro-Martinez, and Chris Starmer |
Volume 50 (1)February 2015 Pages 1-34 |
'Heterogeneity and cooperation: The role of capability and valuation on public goods provision' in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization |
Felix Kölle |
Volume 109 January 2015, Pages 120–134 |
Imprecision and measurement of economic values at the Nexus Network 'Improving decisions at the food, water, energy and environment nexus: Values and valuation’ workshop |
Chris Starmer |
28 November 2014 |
Self-control, financial literacy & the co-holding puzzle in the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization |
John Gathergood and Jörg Weber |
Volume 107 (B)November 2014 Pages 455–469 |
The Meerkat Effect: Personality and Market Returns Affect Investors’ Portfolio Monitoring Behavior in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization |
Svetlana Gherzi, Daniel Egan, Neil Stewart, Emily Haisley, Peter Ayton |
Volume 107 (B) 512-526 November 2014 |
Why does Income Relate to Depressive Symptoms? Testing the Income Rank Hypothesis Longitudinally in Social Indicators Research |
Hilda Osafo Hounkpatin, Alex Wood, Gordon Brown and Graham Dunn |
October 2014 |
'Payday Lending' presentation at the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) |
John Gathergood |
10 October 2014 |
'New Perspectives' keynote presentation at Decision-Making Bristol 2014 |
Nick Chater |
9-12 September 2014 |
'The Behavioural Anatomy of the Tragedy of the Commons' presented at the ESA Conference, Prague |
Felix Kölle |
September 2014 |
Sequential sampling and paradoxes of risky choice in Psychonomic Bulletin & Review |
Sudeep Bhatia |
Online June 2014 |
Does consultation improve decision-making? in Theory and Decision |
Alessia Isopi, Daniele Nosenzo and Chris Starmer |
Online June 2014 |
Do student evaluations of university reflect inaccurate beliefs or actual experience? A relative rank model published in Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. |
Gordon Brown, AM Wood, RS Ogden & J Maltby |
Volume 28 (1) January 2015 Pages 14–26 First published online 13 June 2014 |
'The psychology of nations and states' keynote at Stirling ESRC Workshop |
Neil Stewart |
23 May 2014 |
'Minimal groups are not so minimal: a meta-analysis of economics experiments' presentation at ACCER Workshop on Cross-Cultural Economics Experiments, Duisburg |
Tom Lane |
May 2014 |
Promoting Cooperation: The Distribution of Reward and Punishment Power in 'Reward and Punishment in Social Dilemmas', edited by Paul AM Van Lange, Bettina Rockenbach and Toshio Yamagishi: Oxford University Press. |
Daniele Nosenzo and Martin Sefton |
Chapter 6 Pages 87-114
May 2014
European Workshop on Experimental and Behavioural Economics by King’s College London |
Shaun Hargreaves-Heap, Enrique Fatas and Simon Gaechter |
23-25 April 2014 |
The psychology of nations and states by Neil Stewart (keynote) Basel, Reiskamp group |
Neil Stewart |
10 April 2014 |
Sponsorship of 'Norms, Actions, Games' Workshop organised by Kings College London |
n/a |
1-2 April 2014 |
A psychological re-examination of the Bertrand paradox - Southern Economic Journal
Enrique Fatas, Ernan Haruvy, and Antonio J Morales |
Volume 80 (4)
April 2014
Pages 948-967
The Behavioural Anatomy of the Tragedy of the Commons presented at IMEBESS Conference; ESA Conference and VfS Jahrestagung |
Felix Kölle |
April 2014 and September 2014 |
'How do risk attitudes affect measured confidence' published as a CeDEX Discussion Paper 2014-05 (revised version published 2014-18) |
Zahra Murad, Martin Sefton and Chris |
April 2014 |
Served on the Hong Kong Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) panel which aims to assess the research quality of institutions and to encourage world-class research. |
Gordon Brown |
During 2014 |
Cooperation in Small Groups: The Effect of Group Size - forthcoming in Experimental Economics |
Daniele Nosenzo, Simone Quercia and Martin Sefton |
Published online 9 November 2013 |
‘A test of level-k theory in games with non-neutral frames’ invited speaker at Urrutia-Elejalde Foundation Session in honour of Ariel Rubinstein, Annual Meeting of Association of Southern European Economic Theorists, Bilbao |
Robert Sugden |
7-9 November 2013 |
Money, Well-Being, and Loss Aversion: Does an Income Loss Have a Greater Effect on Well-Being Than an Equivalent Income Gain - Psychological Science |
Christopher Boyce, Alex Wood, James Banks, Andrew Clark and Gordon Brown |
Published online 14 October 2013 |
Reclaiming Virtue Ethics for Economics - Journal of Economic Perspectives |
Luigino Bruni and Robert Sugden |
Volume 27 (4) Fall 2013
Pages 141–164
Incentives, expertise, and medical decisions: testing the robustness of natural frequency framing - Health Psychology
Eamonn Ferguson and Chris Starmer |
Volume 32 (9)
Sept 2013
Pages 967-977
Encouraging Compliance: Bonuses Versus Fines in Inspection Games - The Journal of Law, Economics and Organization |
Daniele Nosenzo, Theo Offerman, Martin Sefton and Ailko van der Veen |
First published online 14 Feb 2013 |
‘Team reasoning as fair cooperation’ invited paper at Symposium on Collective Reasoning, Third Conference of European Network on Social Ontology, University of Helsinki |
Robert Sugden |
23-25 October 2013 |
Does consultation improve decision-making? published in Theory and Decision |
Alessia Isopi, Daniele Nosenzo and Chris Starmer |
Volume 77 (3)October 2014 Pages 377-388 |
Information feedback and contest structure in rent-seeking games - European Economic Review ISSN 0014-2921 |
Francesco Fallucchi, Elke Renner and Martin Sefton |
Available online 25 Sept 2013 |
Risk-taking in social settings: Group and peer effects - Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization ISSN 0167-2681 |
Spiros Bougheas, Jeroen Nieboer and Martin Sefton |
Volume 92, August 2013, Pages 273-283 |
On the Origin of Utility, Weighting, and Discounting Functions: How They Get Their Shapes and How to Change Their Shapes - Management Science. |
Neil Stewart, Stian Reimers and Adam J L Harris |
Available online March 2014 |
'A test of level-k theory in games with non-neutral frames’ keynote speaker, speaker in debate about university funding, and participant in panel session on behavioural economics all at Australian Conference of Economists, Perth |
Robert Sugden |
7-10 July 2013 |
‘Reclaiming virtue ethics for economics’ keynote lecture at the History of Economic Thought Society of Australia, Perth |
Robert Sugden |
4-6 July 2013 |
'Homo Æqualis: A cross‐cultural analysis of other‐regarding preferences' presented at Behaviour Laboratory at the University of Edinburgh (Inaugural Conference) |
Abigail Barr |
6-7 June 2013 |
'Being useful to one another in a market economy’ keynote lecture at a conference on Public Happiness, Pontifical University of St Thomas, Rome |
Robert Sugden |
4-5 June 2013 |
Lecture, training and support sessions in programming experiments with z-Tree (at University of Nottingham) |
Urs Fischbacher |
May 2013 |