Co-Investigators in NIBS1
Listed below are the 19 researchers (co-investigators) who were directly funded by the ESRC to work on the NIBS project from 30 December 2012 to 30 September 2017. The Network also included collaborators, who were individual researchers from partner institutions and other organisations working on aspects of the project. In the first phase of our funding (NIBS 1) we worked with seven international partners, and we continue to work with them during the second phase of funding which commences 1 October 2017 (NIBS2). Details of our current Advisory Group can be found here - the Group consists of external academic advisors and affiliate members representing business, industry, media and government.
Director of CeDEx and Principle Investigator of NIBS
BA (Birmingham), MA PhD (East Anglia)
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My primary research interests lie in the development of descriptive models decision making (both individual and strategic) through the application of a mixture of theoretical and experimental methods. I also have an ongoing interest in experimental methodology and in research at the interface of psychology and economics.
Telephone: +44 (0)115 84 660
NIBS Co-Investigator
BSc (Germany), MSc & PhD (Swansea)
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Research interests are Modelling, Artificial Intelligence and Complexity Science for Data Analysis using methodologies such as: Artificial Immune Systems (AIS) and Computational Modelling of the Immune System; Intrusion Detection, Computer Security and Anomaly Detection; System Dynamic, Agent Based and Discrete Event Simulation of Compex Systems; and Evolutionary and other Data Mining Algorithms.
Telephone: +44 (0)115 95 14215
NIBS Co-Investigator
BA (Sheffield), MA (Warwick), PhD (Oxford)
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Research interests include the socially embedded individual; the role of other-regarding preferences in individual decision-making; how people set up and hold each other to mutually beneficial agreements; citizens' willingness and ability to hold public service providers to account; and the factors and mechanisms determining individual preferences and values.
Telephone: +44(0)115 95 15472
NIBS Management Group and Co-Investigator
BA & MA (Oxford), DPhil (Sussex)
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Research interests are models of human timing and memory; reading; scale-invariant cognition; oscillator-based dynamic models of timing, memory, and sequential behaviour. Also psychology, economics, and consumer behaviour.
Telephone: +44 (0)247 652 4672
NIBS Co-Investigator
MA (Cambridge), PhD (Edinburgh)
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My research focuses on human rationality: how it is possible, and why and when it fails.
Telephone: +44 (0)247 652 4506
NIBS Co-Investigator
BA, MPhil, DPhil (Oxford)
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Research interests are individual decision-making; foundations and applications of game theory and experimental economics. Current specific research topics include the theoretical and experimental investigation of individual decision-making (especially in situations involving risk, time, or both), the role of experimental research in economics and modelling players' mutual knowledge in games.
Telephone: +44 (0)115 84 66155
NIBS Co-Investigator
BS, MSc, PhD (Spain)
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My research interests are in behavioral economics, public economics, organisational behaviour, industrial organisation and the economics of conflict
Telephone: +44 (0)1603 593415
NIBS Co-Investigator
MA, PhD (Vienna)
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Research interests include behavioural and experimental economics; voluntary cooperation, free riding, and punishment; social comparisons and wage formation; behavioural properties of incentive contracts; loss aversion; social interaction effects.
Telephone: +44 (0)115 84 6613
NIBS Management Group and Co-Investigator
BA, MSc, PhD (Nottingham)
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Interests include 'Household Finance' which focuses on household credit and debt, financial literacy and behaviour in housing markets.
Telephone: +44 (0)115 8466447
NIBS Co-Investigator
BA (Oxford), MA (California), PhD (California)
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My research is on the social aspects of decision making, the economics of television and, in macroeconomics, and the sources of wage inequality.
Telephone: +44 (0)207 848 1689
NIBS Management Group and Co-Investigator
BA (Essex), MSc (London)
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My research is focused on the analysis of people’s preferences, particularly as they relate to decision making in the face of risk and uncertainty, with policy applications to health, safety and environmental issues. I am interested in incorporating psychological insights into modelling economic behaviour. This involves using experimental methods to test, develop and refine theory; and conducting surveys to address practical policy issues such as the valuation of health, safety and environmental benefits, and interventions in markets.
Telephone: +44 (0)247 6523 697
NIBS Co-Investigator
BA & Pt III (Cambridge), PhD (New Jersey)
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Research interests include dynamical systems, mathematical physics, and complexity science.
Telephone: +44 (0)24 76522218
NIBS Co-Investigator
MA & PhD (Essex), Cand Oecon (Aalborg)
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My research interests are game theory, behavioural economics and experimental economics.
Telephone: +44 (0)1603 59 1066
NIBS Co-Investigator
PhD (Toronto)
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Research interests are judgment and decision making including intertemporal choice, choice under uncertainty, risk, heuristics and biases; and also philosophical psychology.
Telephone: +44 (0)24 7652 3816
NIBS Co-Investigator
BA (Cambridge), PhD (Iowa)
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Research interests include industrial organisation, social dilemmas and game theory.
Telephone: +44 (0)115 84 66130
NIBS Co-Investigator
BA (Cambridge), PhD (Warwick)
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My research interests are judgement and decision making; perceptual identification and categorisation; and perceptual learning.
Telephone: +44 (0)247 657 3127
NIBS Management Group and Co-Investigator
BA & DLitt (York), MSc (Cardiff)
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Research interests are theoretical, experimental and philosophical approaches to: welfare economics, social choice, choice under uncertainty, foundations of decision and game theory, methodology of economics, evolution of social conventions.
Telephone: +44 (0)1603 593423
NIBS Management Group and Co-Investigator
BS (Caltech), PhD (Northwestern)
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My research interests are behavioural, experimental, and computational game theory and microeconomic theory.
Telephone: +44 (0) 1603 597179
NIBS Co-Investigator
Laurea (Italy), MA, MPhil, DPhil (Oxford)
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Research interests include bounded rationality, models of expectation formation and behavioural macroeconomics, behavioural and cognitive game theory, cooperation, trust and social preferences.
Telephone: +44 (0)191 208 5844